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Home: Welcome
Woman Writing

The Greatest Story Ever Written .....
.... by You.

WorldStory is a creative community where you can share in the excitement of writing the next best seller, one page at a time.  Anyone can add a page to the story, and when you join in, you can take the story in any direction you like.

Click here to read the story so far, and if the urge takes you to write the next page, simply start writing here on the site, and we'll add your page to the book.

Home: About
Writing by the Water

All About WorldStory

The WorldStory Club is for anyone who has dreamed about writing a novel.    WorldStory is a creative network that brings together the collective imaginations of its members to write that book and bring the dream to life, one page at a time.

How it Works

The book has already been started and is being added to a page at a time by members of the Club. Anyone can jump in and add the next page by writing your piece here on the site.  There is no pre-determined plot so each writer has a chance to take the story in whatever direction they like.

Contributions will not be proof read or edited in any way, but they will be moderated to ensure they comply with the publishing guidelines below. Otherwise, it will be entirely up to the imagination of the Club members to take this story wherever it may lead.

At certain points along the way, the story will diverge into multiple paths giving more people the chance to write a page, and an opportunity for our readers to see how many different ways a simple story idea can diverge.

Join Now

It's free to join as a Writer or a Reader. You can join by adding a page to The Story here online, or subscribe via email below and we'll keep you posted as the story develops.  You can also be part of the Club and help us on help spread the word by following us on Facebook.


Publishing Guidelines

  • Take the story wherever you like but try to maintain the narrative to some extent - continue the story and leave it open for the next writer.

  • Think M rated, not R18+

  • No excess violence, offensive language, discriminatory or highly sexual content.

  • Submissions must be original material. Contributors will be required to indemnify the WorldStory Club siteoperators against any claims of plagiarism or any breach of another person’s intellectual property rights.

  • WorldStory owns all intellectual property, including copyright and moral rights to the compiled story and all submitted content becomes the sole property of WorldStory.

  • WorldStory Club administrators will not edit any submissions, but reserve the right to refuse to publish any contribution that they deem to be inappropriate.

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