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Damn. She got away!…I whispered silently as I telepathically summoned my superiors and scant seconds later they responded, “It’s her, I’m sure of it!” I whispered telepathically…“No, no actual confirmation made, she barely spoke a word to me but my human sensory equipment tells me it has to be her…blood pressure skyrocketing, pulse racing, her face was flushed and her blue eyes failed to disguise her fear of capture by us!” “Yessss,” hissed my superiors, “We have received the same readings on our HSE!” They said as they paused in exasperation. “You must find her!” one of my male superiors shouted, his accent slipping into our natural slithering lisp. “You know our species depends on getting her back on that Island before THEY get to her!” “I know,” I replied with a low hiss, my own natural accent slipping through. I touched my Adam’s apple, or what would have been my Adam’s apple if I were Human, and I could feel the sweat of my brow begin to seep our own natural sticky form of sweat. Quickly, I took a cloth from out of my jacket pocket to clean the green slime away before anyone at the airport noticed.

The machine implanted into my voice box to make me sound more human was beginning to irritate me, and the irritation was causing my natural scales to show across my surgically enhanced and perfectly tan humanlike skin. “I’ll get back to you when I know more,” I told him my voice thickening at the end, “I think I might have a lead to where she might be headed, and it’s possible her….children…might be searching for her.” “She isn’t aware of this but the creatures her and her colleagues made hold a distinct and clear telepathic bond with her, which will cause her to be nearly impossible to hide from them.” “Zlemsphth!” They replied in unison and the telepath current quickly faded away. (Goodbye and get it done!)

I went to the information booth and with a big toothy grin I asked the information clerk who it was that was trying to locate Dr. Janowski, giving them a lame excuse that my wife had to slip to the ladies room. The clerk responded with a somewhat confused expression and his hand slowly reached to the back of his head, his eyes wincing in pain, “I don’t know what you mean sir, I haven’t paged anyone all afternoon.” “Thanks young man,” I said with a smile, and then I looked deeply into his worried eyes and whispered, “Don’t worry, the pain will subside soon, take a break and when you come back the pain will be gone.” “Have a great day sir!” He responded with a genuine smile.

I walked away to find a cab. Her children were definitely here and they were following closely behind her! The pain in the young man’s eyes was caused by their presence still in his mind, and from their presence in his mind I was able to zero in on their location, and they were following closely behind her!

There were so many of them, which is not unlike our species to breed in litters, my own lifeform matron had birthed six of us. However, because the team of military human research scientists had used a human mother, countless eggs had hatched! In the young man’s mind I counted 22 telepathic minds searching for their mother! Our kind was an intellectual, passive and a gentle one, but these mutations were not totally of my kind!

I slipped into the backseat of the cab and peered into the rearview mirror to make sure I still looked like the ever friendly Mr. Bob Anderson. Smiling my big toothy grin, I telepathically zoned in on the cab driver that was being followed mentally by her children. My cab driver did not say a word and hypnotically followed my mental directions that would lead me to her, hopefully before her offspring found her first!

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