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I smiled sweetly at his little telepathic trick hoping that my cover hadn’t been broken; praying inwardly that my face hadn’t risen to a hot pink complexion as all the fears of the past few weeks came racing forward. BE CALM! I ordered myself… breathe slowly and smile! Avoid the overwhelming gasp demanding to explode out of my lips. It was just a man, and a simple one at that, a simple man wanting a simple conversation on a simple airplane ride. Most likely, a common trip for him, but not at all for me. No one can be trusted. And so I avoided conversation with this simple man least I inadvertently discuss the things that should never be spoken of again. True I was a doctor, Dr. Stefania Janowski, but I wasn’t just any kind of doctor, my trip to the Zone years ago had changed all that, and up until I met Kevin again three weeks ago my life had been fairly simple. I was a research scientist working as a secret military personal with the U. S. Government. Chosen, among others due to my exceptionally high IQ, my single status, my military experience as an emergency physician, and my interest in medical research to improve human life, or so I thought that would be my mission when I joined.

I silently gasped inwardly and quickly turned to face the airplane window. My fears easing as my blood pressure returned to normal while the heat on my face was replaced with the rays of the beautiful autumn sunrise…or was it a sunset… I had spent so many hours on this flight and left in such a rush, barely packing anything resembling luggage, that my time zones were as messed up as my life.

With a slow face palm I wiped any obvious stress away and began to recant the events of the past three weeks in my head. I had met Kevin. He brought me to the dying biker. I told Kevin I might be able to save him. Kevin responded like any other ER physician; “it’s impossible, he’s going fast.” Then I made the call. Within minutes military personal came in and the biker was gone, but not gone. I had saved the poor man. Unfortunately, in exchange for saving him the military expected more payment than the typical ER bill in the mail, which is when his DNA was used to create those mutants. Those things that should never have been made! Heartless creatures with the coldness of a snake, but with an intellect that could match my own, because my medical partners had used my DNA to complete the task!

I felt the plane descending and my stomach descended with it, a slow tear managing to escape my blue eyes. I had no idea where I was going to go in New York and I had to find a way to exchange my foreign money since I have been living abroad for so many years.

Time to begin a new life…or finish this old one by fixing the wrongs…the creatures I had made… One or the other my life will soon take a new path. I brushed my long blonde hair back and away from my face, as though turning the page to a hopefully brighter future. The sun seemed to agree with me as its warming rays truly calmed my fears, at least for a little while. The pilot’s voice suddenly slammed into my thoughts. Time to disembark this plane!

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