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I walked nervously down the steps and once inside the terminal I constantly glanced from side to side. I felt sure I was being watched. Knowing the mutants could morph into realistic human bodies I had to regard everyone as dangerous to me and my mission.

Remembering rule number1- Never, ever lock eyes with anyone because if that 'human' is a mutant in disguise and you look into their eyes you will be powerless to resist their commands- at passport control I studied the official's hand, rather than his face.

Thankfully he waved me through and I collected my baggage.

A porter approached me but I quickly turned away, just in case! I realised this was my new mantra. There were so many restriction in my life now- just in case. I dare not contact old friends- just in case.

I went to a coffee shop, ordered a cappuccino, took out a pen and notebook and began to list my priorities for the first 24 hours in this land I had known so well but which now was on the brink of a man made disaster.

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